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 电压特性 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] voltage characteristic

  1. 电压特性曲线能比较全面地反映载体催化型传感器的性能。
    Voltage characteristic curve can fully reflect performance of sensor with carrier of catalyst.
  2. 本文中还探讨了结电导—电压特性以及结电导对结电容测量的影响。
    We also studied the junction conductance-voltage characteristics as well as the influence of junction conductance on the junction capacitance measurements.
  3. 本发明改善了半导体器件的击穿电压特性,此外,在本发明的半导体器件中可以避免碰撞电离现象的发生。
    The invention improves puncture voltage characteristic of the semiconductor device, in addition, collision ionization in the semiconductor device can be avoided.

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