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 比灵敏度 [bǐ líng mǐn dù添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] specific sensitivity

  1. 通过信噪灵敏度分析,最终确定了烟用材料的最佳组合方案;
    Through the analysis of the signal to noise ratio and sensitivity, the optimum combination scheme was ascertained ultimately.
  2. 从系统信噪、温度灵敏度和工作稳定性等几个方面综合考虑系统工作的中心波长。
    The central wavelength is discussed based on the combination of signal-to-noise ratio, temperature sensitivity of system and operating stability.
  3. 文章针对车载式激光告警器探测距离,分别对激光告警接受机的信噪灵敏度进行了分析计算,为系统设计和研制提供依据。
    The reconnaissance distance of vehicular laser passive reconnaissance warning device was discussed in the paper. The signal to noise ratio and sensitivity of the laser detection were analyzed.

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