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 比率图 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] ratio chart

  1. BMI实际上就是一个身高与体重的比率图,它是根据几千次对身高和体重间的关系进行的观察而得来的。
    The BMI is really just a height to weight ratio chart that is based on thousands of observations about the relationship between height and weight.
  2. 它是经过对上千人的身高与体重关系的观察所得出的身高与体重的比率图
    The BMI is really just a height to weight ratio chart that is based on thousands of observations about the relationship between height and weight.
  3. 在我们的测试中,基于 dynacache 拓扑的整体 I/O 比率 10 和 11 中的黄线)始终保持每秒高达 800 次的 I/O 操作。
    In our test, the overall I/O rate (yellow line in Figure 10 and Figure 11) for the dynacache-based topology remains consistently high at about 800 I/O operations per second.

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