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 比率法 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] ratio method

  1. 桡尺比率法正常范围显示与原先报道相比有更大的差异。
    The normal ranges derived with the radioulnar ratio method demonstrated larger variation than originally reported.
  2. 首先讨论了各类越流系统理论的应用条件,其中以第三类越流系统理论的比率法为重点;
    The application conditions of various theories of leaky systems , especially that of the ratio method based on the theory of the third leaky system , have been discussed .
  3. 采用营运资本需求概念来分析企业资金的流动性和融资的匹配性,同时与传统的比率法进行比较。
    The concept of working capital requirement is used for analyzing current ratio of assets and marching strategy, meanwhile comparative to the results with traditional current ratio in this paper.

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