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 比生长速率 [bǐ shēng zhǎng sù lǜ添加此单词到默认生词本
[微] specific growth rate

  1. 在有、无氧气存在的情况下,我们测定了培养温度对酵母比生长速率的影响。
    We investigated the influence(effect, impact) of temperature on the specific growth rat of yeast in the presence or absence of oxygen.
  2. 实验表明选育优良的米曲? 菌株不仅要考察菌株的蛋白酶活力,也要考虑菌株孢子的比生长速率
    The result showed that the activity of protease should be concerned, as well as the specific growth rate of spores when selecting and breeding the excellent strains.
  3. 实验表明选育优良的米曲霉菌株不仅要考察菌株的蛋白酶活力,也要考虑菌株孢子的比生长速率
    The result showed that the activity of protease should be concerned, as well as the specific growth rate of spores when selecting and breeding the excellent strains.

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