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 比热容 [bǐ rè róng添加此单词到默认生词本
specific heat
[热] specific heat capacity

  1. 本实验采用混合法测定固体比热容和电流量热器法测定水的比热容比热容;量热器;
    This experiment is adopted the hybrid method and the electric current calorimeter method to determine the specific heat capacity of solid and water, respectively.
  2. 在含蜡热油管道的实际运行过程中,油品的一些物性参数,如比热容、黏度、密度等均随油温的变化而变化。
    In waxy hot oil pipeline process, oil physical performance parameters, for example, specific-heat, viscosity and density changed with temperature drop.
  3. 在考虑随温度变化而变化的热传导、比热容等热物性参数的作用下,建立了直接金属多道烧结的三维有限元分析模型。
    Taking into account temperature-dependent thermal conduction and heat capacity, a three-dimensional transient finite element model was established.

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