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 核震 [hé zhèn添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 而且这次地震震核较浅,一般来说震核浅的地会比震核深的地中附近地区造成更多破坏,他补充到。
    In addition, the earthquake was relatively shallow, Presgrave said, and those kinds of quakes tend to do more damage near the epicenter than deeper ones.
  2. 引发滑坡地区的范围依赖于地级、震核深度、断层附近的地形和地质条件以及地动的幅度、频率组成和持续时间。
    The size of the area affected by earthquake-induced landslides depends on the magnitude of the earthquake, its focal depth, the topography and geologic conditions near the causative fault, and the amplitude, frequency composition, and duration of ground shaking.
  3. 摘要在地活动区的局部地壳地活动性很大程度上是随机的,但在某些情况下,小的地方级时间序列却具有确定性的分量,此分量很可能与一个大地的成有关。
    Local crustal seismicity in active seismic regions is largely stochastic, but the time series of magnitudes of small local events in some cases bear a deterministic component presumably associated with the nucleation of a large earthquake.

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