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 根元素 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] root element

  1. 为交换架构中每个不同的根元素至少包含一个样例。
    Include at least one sample for each different root element in the exchange schema.
  2. 忽略根元素(在本例中,即 ),之后,就可以顺着此树的这个分支往上到达更小的分支,一直到不能再前进为止。
    Ignoring the root element (in this case, ), you then follow a path up the tree from branch to smaller branch until you can go no farther.
  3. 使用样例就能清楚地看出任何给定文档类型中哪个元素根元素,并为每个元素提供典型数据的例子。
    Using samples makes it clear which element is the root element in any given document type and provides examples of typical data for each element.

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