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 根圆直径 [gēn yuán zhí jìng添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] root diameter

  1. 这些被蚀刻在标准硅晶中的渠道直径大约有50微米(一头发丝的直径)。
    These channels, which have a diameter of 50 microns (about the width of a human hair) are etched using standard silicon fabrication.
  2. 筷子是用木或竹、骨及其它材料制成长25-30厘米、上方(各边为8毫米)下直径为3-5毫米)的二小棍。
    About 25 to 30 centimeters long, their top is square, about 0.8 square centimeter, and the low end round with a diameter of 3 to 5 millimeters.
  3. 然后通过微透镜将光纤列阵输出的对称光束耦合进入一较细的光纤,以进一步压缩光斑直径并提高光束亮度。
    then the circular laser beam from the fiber array is coupled into a single thin fiber by a micro-lens to reduce the beam diameter and improve its brightness.

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