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 根圆 添加此单词到默认生词本
root circle

  1. 总体上它们是的,但沿一轴比另一轴延伸得要更长一些。
    They are generally round but stretch longer along one axis than along the other.
  2. 伦敦画报展现了他的一顶高而的清教徒帽,一鸵鸟翎毛凸显了其雍容华贵。
    The Illustrated London News presented him replete with a tall, round Puritan hat, his flamboyance signalled by an ostrich feather.
  3. 这些被蚀刻在标准硅晶中的渠道直径大约有50微米(一头发丝的直径)。
    These channels, which have a diameter of 50 microns (about the width of a human hair) are etched using standard silicon fabrication.

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