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 根压 添加此单词到默认生词本
root pressure
{植} bleeding pressure

  1. 况且,最高树木中的松柏只有很低的根压
    Furthermore, the conifers, which are among the tallest trees, have unusually low root pressures.
  2. 根压也是一些植物尤其是禾草类“吐水”现象的原因之一。
    Root pressure tends to build up at night, when the rate of transpiration is low, and is a cause of GUTTATION in some species , especially grasses.
  3. 它又具有强大的根压和含碳酸氢钠的树叶,因而能抗旱耐盐。
    It also has strong roots with voltage and leaves the sodium bicarbonate, which can be drought tolerant.

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