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 机会约束 [jī huì yuē shù添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] chance constraint

  1. 提出一类模糊机会约束的随机期望值规划模型,该模型同时含有随机和模糊参数。
    A stochastic programming model with fuzzy chance constraint is presented which has stochastic and fuzzy parameters.
  2. 同时,提出了灰色模拟的概念与方法,使用灰色模拟的方法和手段可解决灰色机会约束规划问题。
    The concept and method of grey simulation was put forward. Grey simulation method was used to give the solution method for grey chance constrained programming.
  3. 构建了机会约束下的生产可能集及生产前沿面,以机会约束下的实际取值为投影对象,进行保型的投影分析。
    Possible production sets and production frontiers under fuzzy chance constraints are constructed, and fixed-figure projection analyses are made with the data under chance constraints.

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