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 新闻公报 [xīn wén gōng bào添加此单词到默认生词本
press communique

  1. 这家软件业的大腕级公司在一份新闻公报中还建议电视用户尽量避免来回不断地迅速切换频道,以防止任何再次出现的死机。
    A press release issued by the software giant also advised televisions users to avoid quickly switching back and forth between programs to prevent any future crashes.
  2. 工作坊特别教授编辑技巧:怎样从地区和省的新闻公报中,选取与他们自己社区有关和有用的资讯。
    In particular, they learned skills in editing: how to take the district and provincial news bulletins and extract the information relevant and useful for their local communities.
  3. 新闻公报说,朝鲜已多次表明,对李明博政府挑衅朝鲜体制的反朝行动将“绝不容忍并坚决予以惩罚”。
    Press release said that North Korea has repeatedly shown that the Lee Myung-bak government's anti-DPRK provocative actions North Korea regime would "not tolerate and firmly punished."

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