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 新闻小说 添加此单词到默认生词本
serial story

  1. 从媒体内容上看,手机应用主要包括手机小说、手机新闻、手机电视和手机学习等几类。
    Based on the content, the Mobile phone application includes mobile novel, mobile news, mobile TV and mobile learning.
  2. 本文旨在研究在存在主义思想视角下,海明威短篇小说中新新闻主义的表现手法。
    This thesis aims to study the expression techniques of new journalism in Hemingway's short stories from the perspective of existentialism.
  3. 新闻报刊的语言不同于小说、散文的文学语言,也不同于一般的劝说性语言。
    The language it uses is, accordingly, different from either the literary language of novels and essays or the persuasive language of advising.

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