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 新闻杂志 添加此单词到默认生词本
news magazine

  1. 为报纸、新闻杂志、广播或电视报道和撰写新闻
    Report and write stories for newspaper, news magazine, radio, or television.
  2. 在委员会发表其报告之后不久,《经济学家》新闻杂志发表了一份评论,赞扬报告的论点和建议的重大意义。
    Shortly after the commission published its report, the Economist news magazine ran a review which praised the significance of the report’s arguments and recommendations.
  3. 现在美国三大财经新闻杂志《商业周刊》、《财富》与《福布斯》必须证明自身存在的价值,否则专家们认为至少要有一家被踢出局。
    The big three U.S. financial news magazines, BusinessWeek, Fortune and Forbes, must now prove their relevance. If they cannot, at least one might go out of business, experts say.

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