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 新闻发布 添加此单词到默认生词本
press release
news release

  1. 他在随后举行的新闻发布会上说,自己接受了一次身体检查,目前正在等待医生给他健康和工作方面的建议。
    At a news conference that followed, he said he underwent a medical checkup and is waiting for a recommendation from doctors about his health and work.
  2. 新闻发布会上,展示了关于干细胞的一些出色的研究成果,但会议却让人感到很乏味——在我唯一出席的那个会议因缺少提问而提前结束了。
    Some fantastic work was presented at the press conference on stem cells, but it all fell rather flat –the only conference I was at that finished early for lack of questions.
  3. 得知自己荣膺诺贝尔奖的消息后,他表示喜出望外:"我接电话时完全光着身子,正准备去洗澡",他周一下午在普林斯顿举行的新闻发布会上如是说.
    He said news of the prize took him by surprise. "I took the call stark naked as I was about to step into the shower," he told a news conference at Princeton on Monday afternoon.

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