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 挤压膨化 添加此单词到默认生词本
[食品] extrusion

  1. 探讨了挤压膨化大米为辅料生产啤酒的外加酶糖化工艺。
    Secondly, the technology of using extruded rice as beer adjunct and adding enzymes for beer mashing was discussed.
  2. 挤压膨化技术作为新型加工方法,其经济实用的特点,使其广泛应用于食品工业中。
    Extrusion technology as a new processing method, its practical and economical characteristic, causes it widely used in the food industry.
  3. 本文对挤压机的结构及工作原理,挤压膨化后料粒结构的变化及其对制油工艺的影响等进行了评述。
    In this paper, the structure and work principle of extruder, the changes of extruded pellets and the influence of extrusion on oil extraction are discussed.

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