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 挤水 [jǐ shuǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[皮革] wringing
squeeze water

  1. 简要介绍了应用挤水转相技术,制备适用于印刷油墨着色的有机颜料新剂型。
    A new formation of organic pigments applicable for printing inks, was manufactured by pushing process is introduced.
  2. 研究了用聚乙烯蜡及连接料584-1#的挤水转相工艺,使有机颜料湿滤饼直接脱干燥。
    The flushing process of pigment is optimized by regulating the ratio between pigment and polyethylene wax or joint material 584-1~#, adding surfactant and controlling the kneading temperature.
  3. 本机具有挤水,伸展两项功能,用于皮革在干燥前或削匀前的加工,使皮革含量明显降底,面幅略增,皮张平整,提高削匀效果和提高干燥效率。
    The machine is designed to sam and set out undried and unshaven leather for the decrease in moisture content and increase in area and the improvement on shaving effect.

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