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 挤奶设备 添加此单词到默认生词本
[畜牧] milking facilities
milking equipment

  1. 企业家把他们的钱投入新的挤奶设备,购买牲口和牛奶生产配额,加入乳品业的这场繁荣。
    Entrepreneurs ploughed their money into new milking parlours, and purchased animals and milk quota to join the boom.
  2. 在进行挤奶厅工艺设计和挤奶设备选型时必须以奶牛的班次挤奶量及其挤奶时间作为基本设计依据。
    In the process of designing milking parlour and selecting milking equipment, milk yield and milking times of cows are as basic design parameters.
  3. 挤奶设备挤奶厅的卫生对原料乳的质量有着重要的影响。
    The milking parlour has the important influence to raw milk's quality.

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