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 挤奶装置 [jǐ nǎi zhuāng zhì添加此单词到默认生词本
[畜牧] bail

  1. 广告还说,该装置并不是一个量产挤奶器,并不能用来替代商业化器械。
    The ad also says it is not a production milker and not designed to replace commercial machines.
  2. 广告上宣传,这套操作装置连小孩使用都很安全。广告上也称它不是一个挤奶器,也非旨在取代商业机器。
    The system is advertised as safe enough for children to use. The ad also says it is not a production milker and not designed to replace commercial machines.
  3. 雅各布的双手熟练稳当地把金属挤奶装置和奶牛乳房轻轻的连在一起。这种装置通过一条管子,把挤出的牛奶输送到隔壁房间一个闪闪发光的钢制储存罐里。
    With a sure and gentle hand, Jacob attaches the cows' teats to metal suction devices that convey their milk through a pipeline and into a shiny steel tank in one of the side rooms.

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