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 挤塑机 [jǐ sù jī添加此单词到默认生词本
extruding machine
[塑料] plastic extruding machine

  1. 组合式系统整合单轴切碎机和挤塑机,无须配备预切设备。
    Modular system, combination of single-shaft cutter and extruder. No pre-cutting equipment required.
  2. 利用安装在风机、下料器和挤塑机上的测控模块为本地站点,各模块可以完成对本地站点测控。
    The system uses the observation and control modules installed in the air blower, the yummy treats and the crowds modeling machine as local stand.
  3. 此设备是将PVC树脂通过挤塑机经特气压殊模具一次压而成,产品质量稳定、性能可靠、规格齐全。
    Lined PVC waterproofing sheets can be extruded by the special atmospheric pressure die to offer dependable performance, stable quality and complete in specifications .

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