拉米 rummy
- 拉米说,多哈回合谈判有希望在2010年某个时候大功告成。
Lamy said he is hopeful the round could be concluded some time in 2010. - 拉米先生之前曾希望在本年度内完成这个回合的对话,现在看来机会很渺茫。
But the chances of completing the round this year, as Mr Lamy had hoped, now look negligible. - 但是,如拉米先生所期待的那样在今年完成此回合谈判,现在看来希望渺茫,最终能否达成协议也不容乐观。
But the chances of completing the round this year, as Mr Lamy had hoped, now look negligible. The chances of completing it at all do not look good.