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 拉紧装置 [lā jǐn zhuāng zhì添加此单词到默认生词本
stress accommodation
tension apparatus

  1. 介绍了带式输送机装置的作用、分类、行程和力的计算及适用条件和特点。
    The paper intoduces fuction, classified, travelling distance, tensile force calculation, suitable condition and specification of belt conveyor tensioning devices.
  2. 介绍带式输送机液压装置的原理、特点及在我国矿井带式输送机中的实际应用。
    The paper discribes principle and features of hydraulic take-up device for belt conveyor,aswell as practical application is explained in china mine.
  3. 本文介绍一种新型运用的线圈绕制中的线材装置,并将其与传统的装置进行比较,得出各自的优缺点。
    It is introduced in the article that a new kind of line stretch set used in coiling, and comperes it with the traditional stretch set, sununerigrs each advantage and disadvantage.

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