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 拉纸辊 [lā zhǐ gǔn添加此单词到默认生词本
[印刷] draw rollers
[印刷] drawing rollers

  1. ①印好的带经三角板纵折之后,通过导向拉纸辊,被折页滚筒上的挑针钩住;
    Cyclophosphamide by printed paper tape, how to work through a vertical guide roller-and-paper roll, is the hinge-roller cantilvering-hook;
  2. 在切机工作过程中,纸辊拉纸速度和刀的旋转速度共同决定了切下张的长度。
    During the working of paper cutting machine, both the speed of drawing paper and the revolving speed of cutter decide the length of paper.
  3. 此瞬时的拉纸板线速量务必小于上下送纸辊线速量(否则,板会被弯弓起)。
    This instantaneous push paperboard linear velocity must be less than the top and bottom line speed of the feed roller (otherwise, the Board be pushed up the bow).

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