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 拉缸 [lā gāng添加此单词到默认生词本
scuffing of cylinder bore

  1. 该型活塞裙部与气套贴合良好,无拉缸擦伤现象。
    With this type of skirt excellent matches between skirt and liner can he achieved and piston scraping eliminated.
  2. 热负荷和机械负荷耦合将导致活塞产生裂纹、活塞环胶结以及拉缸等。
    Hot load and mechanical load coupling make piston to produce crackle, piston-ring glued and scuffing of cylinder bore and so on.
  3. 主要介绍了柴油机拉缸现象及其产生的机理、影响因素、预防措施等情况。
    Analysis is made on the diesel-vessel breakdown, especially in the formation mechanism, influencing effects and countermeasures.

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