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 拉脱力 添加此单词到默认生词本
pulling-out force

  1. 对于先胀后焊或者先焊后胀接头,拉脱力并没有明显的变化;
    There is no significant difference between the pull-out forces of the joint expanded prior to welding and that welded prior to expansion.
  2. 在套管的提升过程中,由于提升的作用,铰链接头的失效形式一般表现为铰链拉脱或强度不足。
    The hinge is apt to be pull apart and the strength of the hinge connection is insufficient owing to the action of the elevating force in the course of casing lifting.
  3. 应用到螺杆泵上以后,主要的运动方式是旋转运动,承方式也由抗变成抗扭,使用以前的平扣抽油杆经常出现断现象。
    But movement mode of screw pump is rotating motion. Bearing force mode of rod has been changed from tensile to torsional. So, the threadless rod is often generated fracture and trip.

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