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 动物考古学 [dòng wù kǎo gǔ xué添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 收藏动物标本、昆虫学、鸟类学、人种学及考古学
    The collections in the National Museum of Namibia are the zoological specimens, entomology, arachnology, ornithology, ethnology, and archaeology.
  2. 非洲的一位考古学家发现,其实在两百万年前,猿人的最大敌人不是陆地上的动物,反而是天上飞行的小鸟。
    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP)—A South African anthropologist said Thursday his research into the death nearly 2 million years ago of an ape-man shows human ancestors were hunted by birds.
  3. 考古学家发现,远在现代人的祖先智人踏足欧洲之前,另一种人科动物尼安德特人曾愉快地生活在欧洲及周边大陆上。
    Archaeologists discovered that there was another hominoid called Homo neanderthalensis had been living happily in Europe and the circumjacent land before our remote ancestors Homo sapiens migrated to Europe.

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