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 动物防疫 添加此单词到默认生词本
animal epidemic prevention

  1. 动物防疫监督机构及人员进行动物防疫监督检查,不得收取费用。
    Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention and their staff shall not collect fees for supervision and inspection of animal epidemic prevention.
  2. 动物防疫条件合格证应当载明申请人的名称、场(厂)址等事项。
    In the certificate of conformity to the conditions for animal epidemic prevention shall clearly be stated the applicant's title, address of the place, etc.
  3. 该体系有效提高动物防疫工作效率和动物防疫管理水平,有力推动钟落潭镇畜牧业持续健康发展。
    This system was expected to improve the efficiency and management level of animal epidemic prevention, promoting the sustainable and healthy development of stockbreeding in Zhongluotan town.

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