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 动用储蓄 [dòng yòng chǔ xù添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 储蓄率从近来的上升趋势下滑,因手头拮据的消费者得动用储蓄才能支出.
    Savings slipped from a recent rising trend as strapped consumers had to dig deeper to spend.
  2. 但是如果通胀持续时间长于预期,那么他们可能就不愿意或者无力动用储蓄了,并且不得不削减开支。
    But if it turns out to last longer than expected, households could be less willing or able to draw on savings, and have to cut their spending.
  3. 我和我妻子都有着良好的信用,我们不会陷入债务危机,或靠动用储蓄、卖出股票来偿付消费债务,因为这样做在财务上就太不明智了。
    My wife and I have excellent credit. We just don't cave into the pressure and spend our savings or liquidate stocks to pay for consumer debt . That is not too financially intelligent.

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