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 动物行为学 [dòng wù xíng wéi xué添加此单词到默认生词本
animal behavior

  1. 本大学部课程提供给人类动物行为学未来的研究者兼具广度及深度的内容。
    This undergraduate class presents human ethology for future researchers in the field, and is designed to be both broad and deep.
  2. 讨论可以动物行为学方法有效地分析人类行为方面的一个主题,但是到目前为止已经几乎不以这种方法研究了。
    Discuss one topic in human behavior that may be usefully analyzed with an ethological approach, but which thus far has been little studied in this way.
  3. 然而日本学者表示他们已经利用基因工程创造了不怕猫的老鼠,这一发展有助于明白哺乳动物行为学动物的畏惧天性。
    Japanese scientists say they've used genetic engineering to create mice that show no fear of felines, a development that may shed new light on mammal behavior and the nature of fear itself.

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