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 刹帝利 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 第二阶是武士、国王 - 刹帝利,而你必须生为那个种姓,而不是你要怎麽成为。
    Then number two is the warriors, the kings – the chhatriyas. But you are born in that caste, it is not a question that you can move.
  2. 刹帝利,这个第二阶的人们,他们尝试了 - 那是一项很伟大的努力 - 成道,超越婆罗门。
    The kshatriya, the second class, tried – and that was a great effort – to become enlightened to surpass the brahmins.
  3. 他们剥夺了他们同胞的神圣欢乐,自己的欢乐也会被剥夺,婆罗门和刹帝利会变成首陀罗,永恒的精神会永远地居住在后者里面。
    They That Deprive Their Siblings Of Divine Happiness Shall Themselves Be Deprived Of It, And The Braumens And The Kshatriyas Shall Become The Sudras With Whom The Eternal Shall Dwell Eternally.

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