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 刹车线 添加此单词到默认生词本
brake cable

  1. 最下面的低音弦断了,使用摩托车的刹车线代替,因此一些和弦音会有嗡嗡的共鸣声。
    The lowest bass string was broken and replaced with a motorcycle brake cable, giving certain chords a resonant buzz.
  2. 次日我因为宿醉有点不舒服。 我去修车铺换了一根断钢丝和刹车线
    The next day, suffering from a hangover, I went off to find a repair shop to change a broken spoke and one of the brake cables on my bike.
  3. 40股肌肉链接在精巧的包裹着护套的传送线上(就像自行车的刹车线一样),穿过机器人的手腕,对关节进行操作。
    The 40 muscles are attached to fine cables in sheaths, much like the brake cables on a bicycle, and these pass through the robotic wrist to operate the joints.

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