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 刺体 [cì tǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[无脊椎] nematophore
[无脊椎] nematocalyx

  1. 蒴果被软状的附属
    Capsule by soft spinous accessary body.
  2. 这种方法的问题之一是在同一只脚落地时呼气或吸气的习惯,一些专家和教练认为这种习惯可能导致痛。
    One problem with this approach is the habit of always inhaling or exhaling on the same footfall, which some experts and coaches believe could lead to side stitches.
  3. 人类所运作的当前能量,往往倾向于要么是金字塔形,要么是方盒形的几何形,并经常以粘滞连线穿以太,这并不带来独立能量流。
    The current energy humans run tend to be either pyramidal or box shaped geometry and often penetrates the etheric body in sticky cords of attachment that do not allow for sovereign energy flow.

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