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 刹车块 添加此单词到默认生词本
skate brake
[机][车辆] brake block
brake shoe

  1. 编织型石油钻机绞车刹车块是国内近几年发展起来的新型制动材料。
    In recent years a new brake material, woven brake block applied to a winch in oil well drill has been developed in China.
  2. 按照新的摩擦理论,刹车块的寿命主要取决于制动过程中单位摩擦制动功所对应的磨损率。
    According to a new theory of friction, the service life of brake linings depends mainly on the wearing rate corresponding to the unit braking work.
  3. 针对石油钻机用刹车块的特点及存在问题,研制了一种具有支撑层和摩擦层的双层无石棉高性能刹车块
    Aiming at the features and problems of brake blocks for petroleum drillers, asbestos-free double layer brake ones with high performance, having a support layer and a friction layer, were developed.

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