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 刹把 [shā bà添加此单词到默认生词本
brake crank

  1. 操作(或:扶)刹把
    Operate the brake lever (or: brake).
  2. 伸出手指,向下压刹把,于是变速气向上加档,用一个或两个手指向上撬刹把,变速器则向下变,把链条挪到较小的飞片上(大小飞皆应如此)。
    Extend a finger to press the lever down to shift into higher gears, and uncurl a finger or two from the bar to bat the lever upwards to shift into smaller gears.
  3. 当刹车油沸腾时,系统内会形成可压缩的气体,并且任何可能的刹把行程都消耗在压缩这些气体而非产生制动力上。
    When a brake fluid boils, gas is formed within the system that is compressible and any lever stroke available goes toward compressing the gas instead of generating brake power.

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