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 位矢 [wèi shǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[物] position vector

  1. 结论:后路矫形在纠正冠状的畸形的效果上与前路矫形是相似的。
    Conclusion. Surgical correction of both the frontal and sagittal plane deformity are comparable to anterior instrumentation.
  2. 面神经管双斜成像成功率为100%,面神经管行程的显示程度大于横断、冠状
    The segment displaying on double oblique imaging is more than transverse plane, coronal plane and sagittal plane.
  3. 方法:本文对11例积水型无脑畸形患者的临床与CT资料进行了回顾性分析,11例均行CT平扫,4例加行冠状重建。
    Methods:CT manifestations and clinical data of 11 cases with hydranencephaly were analyzed retrospectively. Plain scan was 11 cases and sagittal and coronal reconstruction was 4 cases.

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