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 位移方向 添加此单词到默认生词本
sense of displacement

  1. 位移方向和本文提出的刚玉中的杂质离子位移模型是一致的。
    The displacement direction is consistent with the impurity displacement model suggested in this paper.
  2. 因而非遽变性的红菜坪山崩之位移方向位移量及范围则能够被揭示。
    And the directions, magnitude as well as the boundary of the non- catastrophic Hongtsaiping landslide are revealed.
  3. 利用单个角砾即可指示断层两盘位移方向和断层面产状。
    The individual breccia can be used to indicate the direction of displacement of fault walls and the mode of occurrence of the fault surface.

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