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 位移脉冲 [wèi yí mài chōng添加此单词到默认生词本
displacement pulse

  1. 阻尼使非线性包装系统位移峰值和加速度峰值明显降低,但对脉冲持续时间几乎无影响。
    The damping can obviously decrease the peaks of displacement and acceleration of nonlinearcushioning system,but has on effect on the pulse duration.
  2. 增量式编码器旋转时产生一系列的脉冲,通过对脉冲数的计数可以测量角度、速度和位移
    An incremental encoder produces a series of pulses as it rotates, and counting its pulses can be a measure of angle, speed or displacement.
  3. 论述微脉冲位移传感器的工作原理及其在300MN水压机活动横梁平衡控制系统中的应用。
    This paper describes the working principle of micro pulse displacement transducer, as well as its application on moving beam balance control system of 300MN hydraulic press.

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