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 位移极化 [wèi yí jí huà添加此单词到默认生词本
[电磁] displacement polarization

  1. 静电场中的导体;电介质的极化,电位移矢量和有电介质存在时的高斯定理。
    Conductor in static electric field, dielectric polarization, electric displacement vector and Gauss theorem in dielectric medium.
  2. 本文利用矢量分析的方法,研究了电位移矢量与极化电荷之间的定量关系,给出了电位移矢量与极化电荷无关的条件。
    The quantitative relation between the electric displacement vector D and the polarization charge was studied by means of the method of the vector analysis.
  3. 研究了皮革材料在外场作用下的 电子位移 极化机理,利用波尔圆轨道模型和洛伦兹模型,分别研究了皮革材料的 电子位移 极化 率和有效 电场;
    The polarization mechanism of leather was discussed in this paper. Using Bohr atom structure and Lorentz model, the polarizability of electron polarization and acting field of leather was studied;

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