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 位移度测量 [wèi yí dù cè liáng添加此单词到默认生词本
[计量] displacement measurement

  1. 进行位移、力、、变,振动和噪声的测量
    Conduct the displacement, pressure, temperature, strain, vibration& noise measurement.
  2. 通过对反射式光纤位移法检测原理的理论分析,给出了轧辊磨损度测量的理论依据。
    Through analyzing the principle of the reflective fiber-optic displacement method theoretically, the base of detecting roller wear is presented.
  3. 从实验结果看出,PSD测量位移子系统可以用来测量光头与主轴马达间的平行
    For the experiment results, the measuring displacement based on PSD sub-system is able to measure the parallelism between Optical head and Spindle motor.

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