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[心理] compensation

  1. 观察谷氨酰胺对短肠综合征大鼠残留小肠代偿作用的影响。
    To investigate the effect of glutamine on the adaptation of the remnant small bowel in rats with short bowel syndrome.
  2. 由于左肾的代偿作用所有动物均无血浆钠、钾和血容量改变。
    Because of the compensatory effect of the left kidney, the sodium and potassium in the plasma and the blood volume remained unchanged.
  3. 结论两组于急性缺氧早期,肺神经内分泌细胞释放少量的ET 1与CGRP ,起相互代偿作用
    Conclusion At the early stage of acute hypoxia, less ET-1 and CGRP which were released by PNECs were in compensation phase in both groups.

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