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 代加工 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 铭韬公司从事刷子生产和代加工已有多年,已积累了各种订单要求下的丰富生产经验。
    MAXTEM form as a brush manufacturer and OEM many years ago, Which has rich experience manufacture products according various requirements.
  2. 大家一致认为中国的经济分为两部分:一部分像代加工出口、服装和食品行业,竞争激烈并且私人企业占主导。
    Everyone agrees that China runs a bifurcated economy: at one level, a robust and competitive private sector dominates industries like factory-assembled exports, clothing and food.
  3. 伦敦——野村证券市场研究部门(NomuraEquity Research)指出,从“白牌”/无牌手机制造商发出的一连串的盈利预警显示,中国的代加工业(OEM)正面临着结构问题。
    LONDON – After a couple of recent profit warnings from white-box – or unbranded – handset manufacturers Nomura Equity Research has concluded that China's handset OEMs are facing structural problems.

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