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 代发货 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 现诚招全国理商,全国地区可代发货,欢迎致电洽谈,共同致富!
    Now it invites the agents, the country may be on behalf of the shipping area, please call to discuss and common prosperity!
  2. 本公司从事货运理业务,可为拼箱发货人或箱发货人提供全球范围内的运服务。
    This Company offers service to those LCL and FCL Shippers to forward their cargo to anywhere in the world either by sea or by air.
  3. 运输由甲方寻物流公司发货,运输费用由乙方认可后独自承担。
    Party A shall be responsible for search of a logistics company, the transportation charges shall be born by Party B and subject to the approval by Part B.

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