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 代偿功能 [dài cháng gōng néng添加此单词到默认生词本
[生理] compensation

  1. 结果老年患者全身并存病多,重要脏器功能代偿功能随年龄增长而衰退。
    Results Senior patients had more coexisting diseases. With the increasing of their ages, the compensation function and the function of important organs decreased.
  2. 结论 肾脏灌注参数及体积变化反映了患肾动脉栓塞对健肾代偿功能的影响。
    Conclusions The perfusion characteristics and volume of kidney may reflect the effects of renal arterial embolization on renal function.
  3. 这说明达·芬奇睡眠法不仅能满足机体代偿功能的需要,而且还预示着利用人体生理潜力的广阔发展前景。
    This shows that Da Vinci sleep of the body can not only meet the needs of compensatory function, but also indicates that the use of human physiological potential of the vast prospects for development.

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