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 代办所 [dài bàn suǒ添加此单词到默认生词本
[贸易] agency

  1. 邮政代办所门口贴着一星期前的省报。
    In front of the post office, there were provincial newspapers one week before on the wall.
  2. 1886年,德国邮政局在上海开设了一个代办所,由德国人负责管理。
    In 1886 a German Post Office agency was founded in Shanghai with Germans in charge.
  3. 备受欧共体国家青睐的远足、休闲胜地——梅克伦堡宫疗养区于1904年9月改为邮政代办所
    The Mecklenburghaus became a famous excursion and recreation spot for the European Community. It became a post agency in September 1904.

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