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 wherewithal ['hwєәwiðɒ:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 必要的资金

[法] 必要的方法, 必要物

    [ noun ]
    the necessary means (especially financial means)

    Wherewithal \Where`with*al"\, adv. & n.
    Wherewith. ``Wherewithal shall we be clothed?'' --Matt. vi.

    Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? --Ps.
    cxix. 9.

    [The builders of Babel], still with vain design,
    New Babels, had they wherewithal, would build.

    1. "If the project was so compelling, they wouldn't have had to hire investment bankers." Mr. Picchi also notes that Mobil, Chevron and Petro-Canada themselves don't have the wherewithal to pour more money into Hibernia.
    2. Of course not all companies have the financial wherewithal to take advantage of deflated stock prices.
    3. If anything, the company will now be able to better focus on those operations, while giving the Pentagon the confidence that it has the financial wherewithal to remain a viable contractor, the executive said.
    4. What's more, the middle class doesn't have as much wherewithal to save as richer Americans so it doesn't benefit as much.
    5. Such an early-retirement rule would be tough on the financially weaker carriers, such as Eastern Air Lines, Pan American World Airways and Trans World Airlines, which have lots of noisy planes and not much financial wherewithal to replace them.
    6. Fourth, the organisation requires the wherewithal to bring about the changes envisaged, including a climate of economic stability.
    7. "If push comes to shove and the Soviets need food, they will find the wherewithal," says Kathryn Zeimetz, economist at the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service.
    8. Neither can you dismiss the role of venture capitalists, who supply the wherewithal.
    9. The problem is the hopes are not accompanied by a true political will to give the UN the wherewithal. 'Angola has some very important lessons for the UN. Member states in a way are half-hearted about peacekeeping.
    10. They say they want to sell stock to the public this spring to secure the wherewithal to open in seven more cities.
    11. "You can assume we have the wherewithal to make our presence felt on everything that happens at the convention," said Brown.
    12. The minority argument, meanwhile, is that businesses have the financial wherewithal this time around to declare sharply higher dividends even if their earnings weaken.
    13. But in some capital-intensive fields, the wherewithal of Yen Daddies can mean the difference for competitive U.S. production.
    14. As the world's largest debtor nation, the United States lacks the economic wherewithal to go it alone.
    15. Not every company has the financial wherewithal to keep idled workers on the payroll, however.
    16. A relatively new company, particularly, may have a hard time persuading a government contracting officer that it has the technical or financial wherewithal to complete a contract, he says.
    17. "The farmer has the wherewithal to buy, plus the farmer has the need to buy," he says.
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