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 whether or no 添加此单词到默认生词本
不管怎样, 无论如何

    Whether \Wheth"er\, conj.
    In case; if; -- used to introduce the first or two or more
    alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by
    or, or by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is
    the simple negative of the first it is sometimes only
    indicated by the particle not or no after the correlative,
    and sometimes it is omitted entirely as being distinctly
    implied in the whether of the first.

    And now who knows
    But you, Lorenzo, whether I am yours? --Shak.

    You have said; but whether wisely or no, let the forest
    judge. --Shak.

    For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether
    we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live
    therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. --Rom. xiv. 8.

    But whether thus these things, or whether not;
    Whether the sun, predominant in heaven,
    Rise on the earth, or earth rise on the sun, . . .
    Solicit not thy thoughts with matters hid. --Milton.

    {Whether or no}, in either case; in any case; as, I will go
    whether or no.

    {Whether that}, whether. --Shak.

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