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 whet [hwet]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 磨, 开胃小吃

vt. 磨, 磨快, 刺激, 促进

    whetted, whetting

    Whet \Whet\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Whetted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Whetting}.] [AS. hwettan; akin to D. wetten, G. wetzen, OHG.
    wezzen, Icel. hvetja, Sw. v["a]ttja, and AS. hw[ae]t
    vigorous, brave, OS. hwat, OHG. waz, was, sharp, Icel. hvatr,
    bold, active, Sw. hvass sharp, Dan. hvas, Goth. hwassaba
    sharply, and probably to Skr. cud to impel, urge on.]
    1. To rub or on with some substance, as a piece of stone, for
    the purpose of sharpening; to sharpen by attrition; as, to
    whet a knife.

    The mower whets his scythe. --Milton.

    Here roams the wolf, the eagle whets his beak.

    2. To make sharp, keen, or eager; to excite; to stimulate;
    as, to whet the appetite or the courage.

    Since Cassius first did whet me against C[ae]sar,
    I have not slept. --Shak.

    {To whet on}, {To whet forward}, to urge on or forward; to
    instigate. --Shak.

    Whet \Whet\, n.
    1. The act of whetting.

    2. That which whets or sharpens; esp., an appetizer. ``Sips,
    drams, and whets.'' --Spectator.

    {Whet slate} (Min.), a variety of slate used for sharpening
    cutting instruments; novaculite; -- called also {whetstone
    slate}, and {oilstone}.

    1. A race against Mr D'Amato would whet every appetite for political blood, but the Senator's control of the state Republican party is such that challenging him in a primary would be tough.
    2. But the trade surplus refused to shrink, provoking U.S. demands that Japan stimulate its domestic economy to whet the country's taste for imports.
    3. Unlike recent years, there are few new musicals to whet theatergoers' appetites.
    4. But while several players challenged him, none succeeded, and he said the experience whet his appetite for more.
    5. As alternatives to the standard holiday fare, Farm Sanctuary suggests some vegetarian dishes, not all of which may whet the meat lover's appetites.
    6. An IMI sale might have been used to whet appetites for less attractive offerings which also include Banca Commerciale.
    7. The British are also counting on a package of incentives to help whet the interest of U.S. companies.
    8. We can only hope they will be relatively harmless and will not merely whet protectionist appetites.
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