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 unsalable [,ʌn'seilәbl添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 卖不掉的, 滞销的

    [ adj ]
    impossible to sell

    Unsalable \Un*sal"a*ble\, a.
    Not salable; unmerchantable. -- n. That which can not be
    sold. --Byron.

    1. And in troubled Houston, unsalable 40-foot lots are attracting buyers after being redrawn as 60-foot or 80-foot lots.
    2. Mr. Timmer acknowledged that Philips is stuck with unsalable inventories of outdated computer equipment and said the company would try to put its own house in order before deciding whether to form an alliance in the industry.
    3. In another pump-priming maneuver, the Bank of England initially will buy back unwanted bills, allowing investors and traders to get used to the new instrument with no risk of being stuck with unsalable notes.
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