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 unsatisfactory ['ʌn,sætis'fæktәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不令人满意的

    [ adj ]
    not giving satisfaction
    shops should take back unsatisfactory goodsher performance proved to be unsatisfactory
    life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory
    our discussion was very unsatisfactory

    1. But this is an unsatisfactory and haphazard procedure.
    2. "We consider our results to be unsatisfactory," said Chairman Edward Finkelstein, President Mark Handler and Executive Vice President Myron Ullman in a letter addressed to Macy investors.
    3. 'This should provide the framework for a restatement of government industrial policy,' Mr Davies said. He described the present government spending round as a 'ridiculous horse trade' which inevitably resulted in unsatisfactory decisions.
    4. The president said if Congress produced something he deemed unsatisfactory, he would not hesitate to step in. The administration iprompt it to take action, or even a position, on a program Bush a candidate.
    5. "We do know that the education in the Boston schools now is generally unsatisfactory to everybody," she said. "The problems are serious.
    6. "But we are in a very delicate position." As the season winds down to an unsatisfactory close, some hotels in Andalusia are slashing prices 60% or more.
    7. The Free Democrats have made thinly veiled threats to leave Chancellor Helmut Kohl's coalition government if he accepts unsatisfactory compromises on those weapons at the NATO summit that begins Monday in Brussels.
    8. It is, after all, conceivable that an unsatisfactory Gatt deal could topple him from power. In the agricultural area, Mr Balladur has at least staved off the sharpest cuts in French subsidised farm exports until the later 1990s.
    9. One proposition Mr. Kadar has suggested to alleviate the "unsatisfactory expansion of German capital" in Hungary is some sort of debt-for-investment swap between the two countries.
    10. 'The banks are confident in the security of their system,' he commented. Mr Whalley believes the ex gratia settlements are unsatisfactory.
    11. Kvaerner warned of unsatisfactory results for the year as a whole. Shipping profits declined by NKr168m to NKr45m as revenue was reduced by NKr176m to NKr654m.
    12. But one of the reasons I want to stay engaged is that there are geopolitical reasons to have good relations or improved relations even under these unsatisfactory conditions.
    13. Brock Adams of Washington and Harry Reid of Nevada, called the procedure unscientific and said it wouldn't save money, especially if the first test site proved unsatisfactory.
    14. To apply rules unevenly, particularly when doing so appears to favour politically more powerful governments, is as unsatisfactory as having no rules at all.
    15. The federal investigation apparently turned up nine serious deficiencies that resulted in an "unsatisfactory security rating" being issued by the Defense Department's procurement investigations agency, according to the Union article.
    16. Mr Davies says that some departments consult business in 'an unsatisfactory or perfunctory way'.
    17. In West Germany, whose economic expansion plays a crucial role in Europe, "recent and prospective growth performance appears unsatisfactory," the OECD said.
    18. The fact that Sir Bryan Carsberg may yet change his mind is unsatisfactory.
    19. In Tuesday's announcement, spokesman Pete Williams said the Pentagon formally declared the performance of the two St. Louis-based contractors to be unsatisfactory.
    20. Or was it a basically honest operation? A partial, and largely unsatisfactory, effort to prove the former was made by government lawyers in Milken's pre-sentencing hearing last year.
    21. It covers 2 1/2 years from the start of 1991. The overall figure for unsatisfactory cases shows that guidance issued by the regulators improved standards to some extent.
    22. Earlier this year, a City of Los Angeles task force called the board "unwieldy due to excessive size" and "unsatisfactory" in organizational structure, long-range planning and community-relations programs.
    23. The more unsatisfactory performers have been replaced by a group of promising youngsters.
    24. This would be highly unsatisfactory.
    25. Mr Mickey Kantor, the US trade representative, is said to have already requested a list of potential targets for sanctions. Beyond that are numerous trade cases to be filed or resurrected and unsatisfactory agreements to be reviewed.
    26. Through the 1980s, the Big Three have driven customers away by selling shoddy cars and treating product-defect problems in an unsatisfactory manner.
    27. What we did say is arms were going in there in an unsatisfactory way.
    28. The inspection team said that Continental's training program "is in compliance" with regulations but it said training records did not always clearly reflect in summary sheets when a pilot's performance was unsatisfactory.
    29. Unforeseen costs can arise where performance is unsatisfactory or staff are demotivated. Complex Contracting Out for Information Technology.
    30. Having just extricated itself from an unsatisfactory joint venture with a Japanese concern, it hired Mr. Conte, a former marketing consultant with a Ph.D. in Japanese history.
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